La fabbrica delle note di carta.
La Musica Moderna (1930-2007) e
i protagonisti della canzone italiana

Size 21,5 x 25 cm
Pages: 208
Images: colour photographs
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 978-88-8435-030-5
Edited by
Salvatore Siragusa, Giulio Rapetti Mogol, Mario Luzzato Fegiz
Foreword – Introduction by
Giulio Rapetti Mogol, Mario Luzzato Fegiz
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The book, unique for its rich iconography and for the number of testimonies, tells the story of “La Musica Moderna”, a printshop specializing in the engraving and printing of musical scores, active in Milan from 1930 until 2007. The company chronicles inevitably intertwine with those of the songwriters and singers in Italy, in an unrepeatable cultural season in which publishers, authors and musicians were the creators and disseminators of the popularity of music.
La fabbrica delle note di carta (“The factory of the paper notes”) also tells the story of a lost craft, revealing much of the “back room” of music, of when the notes were shapen on plates and paper, thanks to the skill and knowledge of men committed to making it popular and easy to play.